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Is it Too Late to Invest in Mina Protocol? The Price of MINA Soars to $1 Billion Volume as the New Telegram Casino Exceeds $155 Million

Source / Sam Cooling x Didgeman

As bullish movements sweep the market, Mina Protocol (MINA) has rocketed up to $1bn in volume, but with price entering retracement is it too late to buy Mina protocol?

The retracement appears to have been triggered by a recoil in trading volume following the $1bn mark, with 24-hour trading volume already slumping back to $702m following the dramatic uptick.

Amid the downside, eagle-eyed traders are now targeting lower support for a better MINA entry around $0.57.

MINA Price Analysis: Is it Too Late to Buy Mina Protocol As Price Action Slumps?

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Gerhard - Bitcoin Strategy

The downside move has left Mina Protocol currently trading at a market price of $0.66 (representing a 24-hour change of -10.25%).

This comes following a sensational +109% gain yesterday, as MINA price shot up from bullish position atop the 20DMA to smash through the 200DMA for the first time since April.

TradingView / MINA USDT

Price action topped out at a local high of $0.97, before entering the retracement move which appears to have crumbled through lower support at $0.75 – instead catching momentary footing at $0.63.

However, with the RSI indicator remaining substantially overheated at 78.55, there is a strong indication that price action needs to push lower.

This sentiment is seen from the declining MACD, which while still showing bullish divergence at 0.035 – continues to fall

Overall, MINA looks strong here, while facing a retracement move, yesterday’s blast through the 200DMA suggests significant demand for MINA – ordaining the coin as one to watch for the next bull run.

TradingView / MINA USDT

To the upside, MINA has a short-time frame target at $1 – a break above the previous local high (a potential +47.62%).

While downside price action could see MINA retest 200DMA support at $0.50 (a possible -26.19%).

This leaves Mina Protocol with a risk: reward ratio of 1.82 – a potentially good entry, with strong upside potential once the RSI signs a sufficient cool-down.

But while MINA enters retracement, an emerging GambleFi presale is surging amid the market excitement – with the promise of challenging Rollbit’s crown.

Top Rollbit Alternative? This GambleFi Crypto Presale Just Smashed $1.47M

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Source / CryptoNews.com

As Telegram trading bots and GambleFi dominate September’s narratives, the TG.Casino ($TGC) presale is gaining significant attention – racing to $1,477,492 raised in just two weeks, here’s why it should be on your radar.

TG.Casino isn’t just another quick Telegram bot pump-and-dump it’s an intricately crafted ecosystem that marries the thrill of the crypto casino world with the decentralized edge of blockchain.

By being a fully licensed casino that integrates seamlessly into Telegram, which boasts over 700 million users, the reach and potential are undeniable.

The ease of use, amplified by a no-KYC protocol, makes it an alluring proposition for both novices and crypto veterans with easy onboarding ensuring a seamless road to new user growth.

With a range of offerings, from thousands of live Telegram casino games, slot machines, and table games to an expansive sportsbook, ensures an immersive experience.

And for those keen on kick-starting their journey, the 150% matched deposit bonus on the first deposit plus 500 free spins is the cherry on top.

From a security standpoint, users can rest easy – all data and funds are encrypted, ensuring robust protection against potential threats.

While the $TGC token not only facilitates instant transactions but also serves as the beating heart of this dynamic ecosystem.

Biggest GambleFi Presale TG Casino Presale: Hype and Beyond

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Source / TG.Casino

The presale is where things get even more intriguing as the offered staking APY is nothing short of spectacular, standing proudly at 3,446%.

Given that over a million tokens have been staked within a day of the presale launch, the momentum is palpable.

And a well-conceived buyback mechanism ensures price stability and regular rewards, a win-win for the community.

The $TGC token’s utility is another aspect to spotlight – beyond its primary function in the casino world, its adaptability – be it swapped for gaming credits or other cryptos – adds layers to its potential growth.

Its role in transactions, from deposits to withdrawals, signifies its pivotal role in the TG.Casino framework.

How to Buy TG Casino Early?

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Step 1 – Go over to their official website

The first thing you want to get correctly is going over to their official website.

Step 2 – Create a Crypto Wallet

You need to set up a crypto wallet, and it’s important to chose a wallet that supports ERC-20 tokens as this is TGC Standards.

Step 3 – Purchase ETH or USDT

Next is to purchase some Ethereum (ETH) or Tether (USDT), as these are the tokens used to exchange into TGC.

Step 4 – Connect Wallet to Presale Dashboard

Go to TG.Casino’s website and click on the ‘Connect Wallet’ button. A pop-up box will appear, in which investors can choose their wallet provider and link their wallet to the presale dashboard.

Step 5 – Buy TG.Casino Token

Investors will see an order box on-screen where they can either select ETH or USDT (or buy on BSC) to use for the exchange. Investors also need to decide the amount of $TGC coin you want to buy; the minimum investment is 1,000 $TGC. After making sure that everything is accurate, confirm the trade.

Step 6 – Claim TG.Casino Token

Once TG.Casino’s presale has ended, there will be a Token Generation Event (TGE), where investors can claim their purchased tokens by clicking the ‘Claim’ button on TG.Casino’s homepage. That’s all for how to buy TG.Casino.

TG Casino’s Unrivalled Tokenomics Could Trigger Biggest GambleFi Moonshot

VIDEO: Why Did I Buy MINA… | Mina Protocol
Lee the Captain
Source / TG Casino

To wrap it up, TG.Casino ($TGC) presale is not just an opportunity; it’s a front-row ticket to the future of Telegram GambleFi.

With tokenomics supply – fairly distributed across the presale, liquidity pools, staking rewards, and player rewards – and the additional bolster of TG Casino’s jaw-dropping 3,446% APY – this project is positioned to become a huge name in the GambleFi vertical.

Its blend of a comprehensive ecosystem, enticing financial benefits, and user-centric approach make it a tantalizing prospect. But as always, arm yourself with research, and here’s to successful ventures ahead!

Dive into the TG.Casino Presale Now.

Buy $TGC Here

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.

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Author: Jo Browning

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Name: Jo Browning

Birthday: 1929-10-25

Address: Unit 7734 Box 5420, DPO AA 81190

Phone: +3665767795458795

Job: Data Scientist

Hobby: Playing Piano, Card Collecting, Role-Playing Games, Painting, Whiskey Distilling, Dancing, Lock Picking

Introduction: My name is Jo Browning, I am a skilled, rare, radiant, unguarded, risk-taking, brilliant, artistic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.